Monday, December 28, 2009

Snow Storm Spaghetti (& Meatballs)!

The plan was perfected a month ago: a few hours at the spa followed by a fantastic dinner at a restaurant we had wanted to go to since it opened a few years ago - my gift to Peanut for his birthday.

Then, this happened:

16 inches of snow!!! In 24 hours!

Driving was restricted, so both reservations were canceled!

Now, Gourmet magazine folded a month-or-so ago, and my subscription is now replaced with one to bon appetit. The cover, sitting on our coffee table for a few weeks, had a picture of succulent meatballs on its cover. "Can you make it, please?" Peanut asked. Spaghetti and meatballs with bacon tomato sauce: how could I refuse a birthday boy's request?

So while it snowed, and in between shoveling our sidewalk and uncovering our car, I...



... and Peanut and I devoured!

And before you call me lame for not cooking a holiday meal, I will tell you- I DID! Birthday dinner for Pit of devil's chicken thighs on braised leeks, a repeat of my meal for Mountie. And for dessert, Suzanne Goin's chocolate cinnamon bread pudding from the same cookbook.

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